Kei te koa matou ki te whakapuaki i te tuku angitu oAtlasCopcohauhe kopere ki to maatau hoa kua roa, a Mr Ethan Duncan, kei Ahitereiria. Ko Mr. Duncan to matou kaihoko nui mo teo mua15tau, a ko ta maatau mahi tahi he tohu mo te whakawhirinakitanga me te whakaute tahi i hangahia e matou i roto i nga tau.
He maha nga haerenga a Mr. Duncan ki ta matou kamupene ki te tirotiro i a matou whakaurunga me nga mahi whare putunga hei waahanga o ta matou mahi tahi. Kua tirotirohia e ia o maatau whare putunga i Chengdu me Guangzhou, a kei te harikoa matou ki te mohio kua whakapuakihia e ia tana harikoa ki te kounga o a maatau hua me te taumata o te ratonga e whakaratohia ana e matou. Ko tenei hononga pumau i hangaia i runga i to maatau pumau ki te hiranga me te pai o nga kaihoko, a kei te mihi matou mo tana tautoko tonu.
I tenei wa, kua tukuna e Mr Duncan he ota mo etahiAtlasCopcohaucompressors, tae atu ki teG18, FX5, FX7, GA110, GA132,aGA160, akete tiaki (kete whakamaarama, powhiriwhiri, kete tātari hinu, pouaka whakaata, taputapu Iti, Tiwiri pehanga, Gasket, takirere, Hononga, ngongo, tātari Raina, aha atu). Hei whakarite kia whiwhi wawe a Mr Duncan i nga taputapu ka taea te haere tonu i ana mahi me te kore e whakaroa, kua whiriwhiria e matou ko te waka rererangi te huarahi pai mo te tuku.
Kei te mohio matou he ahurei nga hiahia o ia kaihoko, na reira, ka whakapau kaha matou ki te whakarato i nga tikanga tuku tino pai me te pai. Ahakoa he waka rererangi mo nga tuku ohorere, etahi atu whiringa mo nga tuku i nga wa katoa, ko ta matou whainga kia pai te mahi katoa mo o taatau kaihoko.
Ko ta matou whakapau kaha ki te whakarato i nga hua kounga teitei, te tautoko matawhānui i muri i te hokonga, me te tohungatanga ngaio kua whai ingoa matou ko tetahi o ngaārahiAtlasCopcokaiwhakaratoinHaina. Na tenei whakapumautanga ki te hiranga e taea ai e tatou te hanga hononga kaha, pumau tonu me nga kiritaki o te ao.
I a matou e titiro whakamua ana, e tumanako ana matou ki te tipu haere tonu o taatau whakahoahoa me te mahi tahi me Mr. Duncan, ka noho pumau tonu matou ki te noho hei kaiwhakarato pai rawa atu, hei hoa pakihi hoki. Kei te harikoa matou mo nga wa kei te heke mai me te tatari mo etahi atu tau mo te mahi tahi.
Mauruuru koe mo to whakawhirinaki tonu,Te Takana. Ka whakanui matou i to maatau hononga me te tumanako ki te whakapakari ake i to maatau hononga i roto i nga tau kei te heke mai!

Ka whakaekea ano e matou he momo taapiri taapiriNga waahanga o Atlas Copco. Tena tirohia te ripanga i raro nei. Mena kaore e kitea e koe te hua e hiahiatia ana, tena koa waea mai ki a au ma te imeera me te waea. Mauruuru koe!
2205012793 | CUB MAXI 15HP 400V INFO 7040 | 2205-0127-93 |
2205012794 | CUB MAXI 20HP 400V INFO 7040 | 2205-0127-94 |
2205012812 | CUB MAXI 10HP 400V INFO 5015 | 2205-0128-12 |
2205012813 | CUB MAXI 15HP 400V INFO 5015 | 2205-0128-13 |
2205012901 | CUBIC C80 GD 30HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-01 |
2205012902 | CUBIC C80 GD 35HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-02 |
2205012911 | CUBIC C80 GD 40HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-11 |
2205012912 | CUBIC C80 GD 50HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-12 |
2205013001 | CUBIC C80 DD 30HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-01 |
2205013002 | CUBIC C80 DD 35HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-02 |
2205013003 | CUBIC C80 DD 40HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-03 |
2205013004 | CUBIC C80 DD 50HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-04 |
2205013101 | CUBIC C55*DD 10HP 400V T1 | 2205-0131-01 |
2205013102 | CUBIC C55*DD 15-20HP 400V T1 | 2205-0131-02 |
2205013151 | WAea TT1-TSHH11 SH | 2205-0131-51 |
2205013161 | WAea TT11-TSHH11 SH G7-15 | 2205-0131-61 |
2205013201 | CUB 10-15HP 400V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-01 |
2205013202 | CUB 20HP 400V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-02 |
2205013203 | CUB 10-15HP 400 FF VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-03 |
2205013204 | CUB 20HP 400V FF VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-04 |
2205013211 | CUB 10-15HP 440V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-11 |
2205013212 | CUB 20HP 440V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-12 |
2205013213 | CUB 10-15HP 440 FF VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-13 |
2205013214 | CUB 20HP 440V FF VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-14 |
2205013221 | CUB 10-15HP 400V P VSD 5015 | 2205-0132-21 |
2205013222 | CUB 20HP 400V P VSD BD 5015 | 2205-0132-22 |
2205013223 | CUB 10-15HP 400V FF VSD 5015 | 2205-0132-23 |
2205013224 | CUB 20HP 400V FF VSD BD 5015 | 2205-0132-24 |
2205013231 | CUB 10-15HP 440V P VSD 5015 | 2205-0132-31 |
2205013232 | CUB 20HP 440V P VSD BD 5015 | 2205-0132-32 |
2205013233 | CUB 10-15HP 440V FF VSD 5015 | 2205-0132-33 |
2205013234 | CUB 20HP 440V FF VSD BD 5015 | 2205-0132-34 |
2205013241 | CUB 10-15HP 400V P VSD 7021 | 2205-0132-41 |
2205013242 | CUB 20HP 400V P VSD BD 7021 | 2205-0132-42 |
2205013243 | CUB 10-15HP 400V FF VSD 7021 | 2205-0132-43 |
2205013244 | CUB 20HP 400V FF VSD BD 7021 | 2205-0132-44 |
2205013251 | CUB 10-15 400 P VSD C55 7021 | 2205-0132-51 |
2205013253 | CUB 10-15 400 FF VSD C55 7021 | 2205-0132-53 |
2205013304 | CUBIC 3-4HP 400/50 DOL RAL1003 | 2205-0133-04 |
2205013305 | CUB 5,5-7,5HP 400/50 DOL 1003 | 2205-0133-05 |
2205013315 | CUB 5,5-7,5HP 400/50 YD 1003 | 2205-0133-15 |
2205013401 | CUB C80 15-20HP P 400V VSD CE | 2205-0134-01 |
2205013402 | CUB C80 25-30HP P 400V VSD CE | 2205-0134-02 |
2205013404 | CUB C80 25-30HP 400V+N VSD CE | 2205-0134-04 |
2205013411 | CUB C80 15-20HP FF 400V VSD CE | 2205-0134-11 |
2205013412 | CUB C80 25-30HP FF 400V VSD CE | 2205-0134-12 |
2205013432 | CUB C80 25-30HP P 230V VSD CE | 2205-0134-32 |
2205013442 | CUB C80 25-30HP FF 230V VSD CE | 2205-0134-42 |
2205013501 | CUB 7,5-10HP 230V P 5015 STD | 2205-0135-01 |
2205013503 | CUB 7,5-10HP 230V FF 5015 STD | 2205-0135-03 |
2205012793 | CUB MAXI 15HP 400V INFO 7040 | 2205-0127-93 |
2205012794 | CUB MAXI 20HP 400V INFO 7040 | 2205-0127-94 |
2205012812 | CUB MAXI 10HP 400V INFO 5015 | 2205-0128-12 |
2205012813 | CUB MAXI 15HP 400V INFO 5015 | 2205-0128-13 |
2205012901 | CUBIC C80 GD 30HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-01 |
2205012902 | CUBIC C80 GD 35HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-02 |
2205012911 | CUBIC C80 GD 40HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-11 |
2205012912 | CUBIC C80 GD 50HP 400V T1 | 2205-0129-12 |
2205013001 | CUBIC C80 DD 30HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-01 |
2205013002 | CUBIC C80 DD 35HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-02 |
2205013003 | CUBIC C80 DD 40HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-03 |
2205013004 | CUBIC C80 DD 50HP 400V T1 | 2205-0130-04 |
2205013101 | CUBIC C55*DD 10HP 400V T1 | 2205-0131-01 |
2205013102 | CUBIC C55*DD 15-20HP 400V T1 | 2205-0131-02 |
2205013151 | WAea TT1-TSHH11 SH | 2205-0131-51 |
2205013161 | WAea TT11-TSHH11 SH G7-15 | 2205-0131-61 |
2205013201 | CUB 10-15HP 400V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-01 |
2205013202 | CUB 20HP 400V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-02 |
2205013203 | CUB 10-15HP 400 FF VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-03 |
2205013204 | CUB 20HP 400V FF VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-04 |
2205013211 | CUB 10-15HP 440V P VSD BD 9002 | 2205-0132-11 |
Wā tuku: Tihema-18-2024