Kei te koa matou ki te whakapuaki i te tuku angitu oAtlashau compressorsme nga waahanga mokowhiti e pa ana ki to maatau hoa pakihi nui, a Adil al-Aziz, kei Morocco. Ko te tuarua tenei ota mai i a Mr. al-Aziz i tenei tau, kei roto te whānuitanga o nga momoNga hua Atlas Copco, tae atu ki nga tauiraZR110, ZR160, ZR250, ZR3, me ZR40, me te tinikete tiaki(Hui hinu, huānga tātari rangi, Tkete hermostat, Te mutunga o te hau niho kore hinu, kāpeka). He nui te uara o ia ota mai i a Mr. al-Aziz, a kei te whakahīhī mātou ki te haere tonu i tā mātou mahi ngātahi ki a ia.
Ko Mr. al-Aziz te hoa matua mo matou mo nga tau maha. He rite tonu tana toro atu ki Haina, a, na enei hui kanohi ki te kanohi, kua whakapumauhia e matou he hononga pakihi hohonu me te pono. Ahakoa e rua noa nga ota i tenei tau, ko te tauine o ia ota e whakaatu ana i tona maia ki a tatou hua me o ratonga. Ki ta matou whakaaro ko ia tetahi o o matou hoa tino nui me te pono, a ka whakapau kaha matou ki te pupuri me te whakawhānui ake i tenei mahi tahi.
Ko tetahi o nga tino kahaAtlas CopcoKo nga kaiwhakarato i Haina, ka taea e matou te tuku hua pai ki o taatau kaihoko, nga wa tuku tere, me nga ratonga whai muri i te hoko. Ko ta maatau mekameka tuku pai e whakarite ana ka taea e matou te whakatutuki tere i nga ota nui i te wa e mau tonu ana nga paerewa kounga teitei. Hei taapiri, ko ta maatau tautoko whai muri-hoko kua hangaia hei whakatika i nga awangawanga kei a taatau kaihoko, me te whakarite ka whakawhirinaki tonu ratou ki a maatau mo nga otinga tino pai.
Ko te tumanako ka haere tonu to maatau hononga angitu ki a Mr. al-Aziz mo nga tau maha kei te heke mai me te tuku tono ki nga hoa mahi mai i te ao katoa ki te tirotiro i nga huarahi ki a matou. Na ta matou whatunga toha kaha me te piripono ki te pai o nga kaihoko, e maia ana matou ka taea e matou te hanga hononga kaha, whai hua tahi puta noa i te ao!

Ka whakaekea ano e matou he momo taapiri taapiriNga waahanga o Atlas Copco. Tena tirohia te ripanga i raro nei. Mena kaore e kitea e koe te hua e hiahiatia ana, tena koa waea mai ki a au ma te imeera me te waea. Mauruuru koe!
2205011221 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 460/60 7040 | 2205-0112-21 |
2205011222 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/50 7040 | 2205-0112-22 |
2205011223 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/60 7040 | 2205-0112-23 |
2205011224 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/50 moko | 2205-0112-24 |
2205011225 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 400/50 moko | 2205-0112-25 |
2205011226 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/50 moko | 2205-0112-26 |
2205011227 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 400/50 moko | 2205-0112-27 |
2205011232 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-32 |
2205011233 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-33 |
2205011234 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-34 |
2205011235 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-35 |
2205011236 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-36 |
2205011237 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-37 |
2205011238 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-38 |
2205011241 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/60 7021 | 2205-0112-41 |
2205011242 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-42 |
2205011244 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-44 |
2205011245 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-45 |
2205011246 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-46 |
2205011247 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-47 |
2205011248 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 460/60 7021 | 2205-0112-48 |
2205011262 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 400/50 7035 | 2205-0112-62 |
2205011263 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 400/50 7035 | 2205-0112-63 |
2205011264 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/50 7035 | 2205-0112-64 |
2205011266 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 400/50 7035 | 2205-0112-66 |
2205011272 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 230/60 7035 | 2205-0112-72 |
2205011274 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/60 7035 | 2205-0112-74 |
2205011275 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 230/60 7035 | 2205-0112-75 |
2205011301 | CUBICLE 10HP 690/50 DOL LX | 2205-0113-01 |
2205011461 | KETE C40 1WAHA KAUPAPA/WAKATANGA | 2205-0114-61 |
2205011501 | CUBICLE GX7 PACK 200V 50HZ CE | 2205-0115-01 |
2205011502 | CUBICLE GX11 PAKI 200V 50HZ CE | 2205-0115-02 |
2205011503 | CUBICLE GX7 PACK 200V 60HZ CE | 2205-0115-03 |
2205011504 | CUBICLE GX11 PAKI 200V 60HZ CE | 2205-0115-04 |
2205011531 | CUBICLE GX7 FF 200V 50HZ CE | 2205-0115-31 |
2205011532 | CUBICLE GX11 FF 200V 50HZ CE | 2205-0115-32 |
2205011533 | CUBICLE GX7 FF 200V 60HZ CE | 2205-0115-33 |
2205011534 | CUBICLE GX11 FF 200V 60HZ CE | 2205-0115-34 |
2205011561 | CUBICLE GX7 FF 230V 50HZ CE | 2205-0115-61 |
2205011562 | CUBICLE GX11 FF 230V 50HZ CE | 2205-0115-62 |
2205011563 | CUBICLE GX7 FF 230V 60HZ CE | 2205-0115-63 |
2205011564 | CUBICLE GX11 FF 230V 60HZ CE | 2205-0115-64 |
2205011601 | CUBICLE GX7 PAKI 400V 50HZ CE | 2205-0116-01 |
2205011602 | CUBICLE GX11 PAKI 400V 50HZ CE | 2205-0116-02 |
2205011603 | CUBICLE GX7 PAKI 230V 50HZ CE | 2205-0116-03 |
2205011604 | CUBICLE GX11 PAKI 230V 50HZ CE | 2205-0116-04 |
2205011605 | CUBICLE GX7 PAKI 380V 60HZ CE | 2205-0116-05 |
2205011606 | CUBICLE GX11 PAKI 380V 60HZ CE | 2205-0116-06 |
2205011607 | CUBICLE GX7 PACK 230V 60HZ CE | 2205-0116-07 |
2205011608 | CUBICLE GX11 PAKI 230V 60HZ CE | 2205-0116-08 |
2205011221 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 460/60 7040 | 2205-0112-21 |
2205011222 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/50 7040 | 2205-0112-22 |
2205011223 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/60 7040 | 2205-0112-23 |
2205011224 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/50 moko | 2205-0112-24 |
2205011225 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 400/50 moko | 2205-0112-25 |
2205011226 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/50 moko | 2205-0112-26 |
2205011227 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 400/50 moko | 2205-0112-27 |
2205011232 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-32 |
2205011233 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-33 |
2205011234 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-34 |
2205011235 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-35 |
2205011236 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 400/50 7021 | 2205-0112-36 |
2205011237 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-37 |
2205011238 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-38 |
2205011241 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 400/60 7021 | 2205-0112-41 |
2205011242 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-42 |
2205011244 | CUB. MAXI 10HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-44 |
2205011245 | CUB. MAXI 20HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-45 |
2205011246 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/50 7021 | 2205-0112-46 |
2205011247 | CUB. MAXI 7,5HP 230/60 7021 | 2205-0112-47 |
2205011248 | CUB. MAXI 15HP 460/60 7021 | 2205-0112-48 |
Wā tuku: Tihema-18-2024